Monday, June 2, 2008

Best over the counter acne soap

2. Oatmeal! Now believe it or not (I didn't at first) oatmeal can actually help in curing your acne. Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it. Oatmeal dries up your oily pores, and draw out bacteria from inside your pores. What you do is cook the oatmeal, like you normall would for consumption. Then apply the oatmeal to your infected acne areas, leave on for around 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water!
2. Wash your face properly. Don't wash your face more than 3 times a day. Choose cleansers that are suitable for your skin.
One of the main questions that people have when it comes to acne laser treatment and the zit zapper is which treatment will work the best. Well, that really depends on the person using it. Both treatments have proven to be quite effective; however, neither of them work for everyone. So, you will probably have to experiment with both of them to find out which treatment really works for you.
tags: teenagers junk food acne, home remadies for acne scar removal, birth control causing acne

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