Thursday, July 3, 2008

Natural remedy for acne and pimples and how to cure acne through diet

Hum? Then I ran across an article by my favorite health advocate, Mike Adams of NaturalNews. He mentions in the article how a zinc deficiency may be a cause of acne. Maybe my feeble attempt at a new vegan lifestyle was leaving me a bit short in the zinc department? After reading up on the signs of zinc deficiency, I decided to pump up my intake of oysters and pumpkin seeds to see if it would help. Results? Enough of a difference in my skin to look deeper into zinc.
Generally acne will start around the time of puberty, and for most sufferers, it has disappeared by the time they reach their late teenage years or early twenties - some sufferers will find that their acne will remain well beyond their early twenties as mentioned above, and it's these patients that are most at risk from permanent acne scarring.
Make a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves. Apply it over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles. One of the effective home remedies for acne.
tags: acne on black girls, acne treatment los angeles, acne solutions

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